April 02, 2008

aut disce aut discede

today's lyrics

One of these mornings
You're gonna rise, rise up singing,
You're gonna spread your wings,
Child, and take, take to the sky,
Lord, the sky

Summertime (Janis Joplin)

I consider myself to be a fairly capable young adult. I can manage being a full-time student, with two part-time jobs. I can do ANOVA and regression analysis. I can crank out a seven-page paper in approximately three hours. Most of the time, I can even manage to feed myself.

Until today.

Until today, when I tried to heat the "Sippable" version of Campbell's tomato soup.

At first, things went well. I managed to remove the "Sippable" lid from the container. I even managed to remove the potentially fatal metal lid from the container without incident.

But then, I attempted to remove my soup from the microwave without using my hot pads. I should never, never do this again. My pinky accidentally touched the side of the bowl, which caused me to jerk back.

When I jumped back, I managed to spill boiling-hot tomato soup on my hand. All over my hand. I'm surprised the police weren't called to respond to my Irish banshee shrieking.

At this point, I realized that I no longer remember the "Burn Incident" part of the American Red Cross First Aid training. I should probably remedy this.

However, I'm not completely hopeless. At least I had Neosporin in the bathroom cabinet. Which I technically wouldn't have, but my mom bought some for me. So, I guess I've managed to fail, after all.

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