July 05, 2008

veni, vidi, dormivi

today's lyrics

I will dance I will sing and my laugh shall be gay
I will charm every heart in each crown I will sway
When I woke from my dreaming my idols were clay
All portion of love had blown away

Wildwood Flower (Reese Witherspoon)

In other news, I turned 21 about two weeks ago. As I've never been particularly fond of the taste of alcohol and would rather not be the fourth-generation Irish alcoholic in my family, I spent the day at the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga. And then went to a used book store.


And, I actually managed to have one Independence Day during which I did not contract a third-degree sunburn. Of course, I had to wear SPF 60 and re-apply it every 30 minutes...but, still. It's the little accomplishments that mean so much. Mom finally went out in her kayak...which, hopefully, means that she won't remember that I promised to go white-water rafting with her. Because I can't swim, and I think that would end badly.

And, finally, I'm reading Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer. Therefore, I'm realizing that Mormonism isn't a religion to be made fun of so much as it is a religion to be concerned about. Seriously. I've been having the most atrocious nightmares, and they don't make water hot enough.

Now, it is time to hold a cat.

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