September 04, 2008

ad vitam paramus

today's lyrics

Bring a song and a smile for the banjo,
Better get while the gettin's good,
Hitch a ride to the end of the highway
Where the neons turn to wood.

Up Around the Bend (Creedence Clearwater Revival)

I have the horrible, no good, very bad feeling that I will do nothing this semester but study for my biology course.

I still really, really need to purchase a planner. Seriously. And I also need a separate notebook for biology, because I've taken 12 pages (6 lecture; 6 book) of notes in the last week already.

However, I'm very excited to be participating in four faculty research programs. Which allow me to play with a statistics programs that cost more than my life is worth.

The psychology professors should not be surprised to find me hunched over in the lab, drooling, while murmuring: "Precious..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....